Coordinators and Instructors

For your convenience, this website includes many of the resources, forms, policies and procedures you will need to effectively coordinate a Basic Nursing Assistant Training (BNAT) Program according to administrative rules of the Illinois Department of Public Health. The Program Coordinator’s Toolbox is a collection of resources and assistive tools which was designed to help you to navigate through the A-Z process of program approval through program improvement. 

This website is also a valuable tool that your students should utilize to choose testing dates and locations that fit into their individualized schedules as well as confirming their test schedule on a month to month basis. Please share this information with your students to make their competency testing process as stress free as possible.

Be sure to visit the CNAE-A Educators website ( which provides information about the professional organization for instructors in Illinois to network and share best practices with each other.

Please take some time to explore this website and if you have additional questions, you may email our office at or phone at 877-262-9259. Thank you for all that you do to provide qualified certified nursing assistant candidates to care for those who cannot care for themselves.



Contact Us

Nurse Aide Testing
SIU in Carbondale
1840 Innovation Drive
Carbondale, IL 62903

(877) 262-9259

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
8:00 – 4:30